A collection of mathematic's methods for 4D !

v3 detailed  | Addresses  |  How to use it ?  |  Copyright  |  



New version 3 (june 2006)
Math4D v3 (06/2006)
  • 20 brand new methods
  • 3 re-written methods :
    MATH_SurfacePolygone, MATH_Evaluation, MATH_ROT13
  • 4D2003
  • New family : financial mathematics
Work in progress (June 2007, 11)
Long64 (Plug-in Osmose Editeur)
  • Geodesy is available !
  • English translation of methods heads
  • Compilable !
  • 6 new methods for trigonometry
  • New method MATH_BinaireVersLong
  • Small correction on MATH_LongVersBinaire
  • v3 announcement

The version 3 detailed  (the new methods are colored in red, the v2 ones are in green)

MATH_EquationDegre2 (resolve an 2nd degree equation)
MATH_MatriceLigne (operations on lines of matrix)
MATH_MatricesOperations (operations on 2 different matrix)
MATH_SysLin (linear system resolution)

MATH_SysLinSurdim (Resolution of an over-sized linear system)

MATH_Dichotomie (dichotomy method to find the zeros of a function)
MATH_Evaluation (evaluation of a function)

MATH_Horner (Evaluation of a polynomial)
MATH_MoindreCarres (
Resolution of an over-sized linear system)
MATH_Newton (Newton's method to find the zeros)
MATH_Simpson (Simpson's integration method)

MATH_SPL3 (Spline cubic function)

MATH_Trapezes (trapezium integration method)

MATH_ChangeBase (translation from a base to another one)

MATH_GrandsEntiers (Elementary operations with large integers)
MATH_LogN (Log calculation)

MATH_PGCD (highest common factor calculation)
MATH_Premiers (prime state evaluation, and factors calculation)


MATH_AMORLIN (Calculation of linear paying-off for a fixed period

MATH_Amortissements (Calculation of a paying-off array)

MATH_DB (Calculation of a paying-off for a fixed period)

Calculation of a degressive paying-off for a fixed period)
MATH_Echeance (Calculation of expiration items)

MATH_INTPER (Calculation of the interests value of an investment for a fixed period)

Calculation of the interests value of an investment for a fixed period, with Sum-Of-Years Digits)
MATH_VA (Calculation of actual value of an investment)

alculation of actual value of a non-constant set of financial flows)
MATH_VAN_PAIEMENTS (Calculation of actual value
of a non-constant set of financial flows with variables dates)
MATH_VC (Calculation of capitalized value of an investment)

MATH_iAC (Calculation of number of payments with rate, paying-off and capital)

MATH_iAN (Calculation of capital with rate,
number of payments et paying-off)
MATH_iNC (Calculation of each paying-off account with rate, number of payments and capital)


MATH_Fractales (Calculation of fractals : Mandelbrot and Julia)

MATH_Segment (segment calculations : chord, arc, rise and surface of segment)
MATH_SurfaceGraphe (surface between X-axis and curve)
MATH_SurfacePolygone (internal surface of a polygon)

MATH_Arrangement (calculation of arrangement without repetition)
MATH_CoefficientCorrelation (coefficient of correlation calculation)
MATH_Combinaison (calculation of combination without repetition)

MATH_Combinatoire (finding a sum among a set of values)

MATH_Covariance (covariance calculation)
MATH_EcartType (standard deviation calculation)
MATH_EgaliteMoyennes (egality of averages evaluation)
MATH_EgaliteProportions (egality of proportions evaluation)

MATH_Gauss (Calculation of probability density)
MATH_IntegraleGamma (Evaluation of Gamma function integral)

MATH_IntervalleConfiance (confidence interval calculation)

MATH_LogGamma (Napierian logarithm of Gamma function)
MATH_LoiBetaCumul (Evaluation of incomplete Beta function distribution)
MATH_LoiFisher (Evaluation of function F probability)
MATH_LoiKhiDeux (Probability evaluation with KhiDeux function)

MATH_LoiNormale (normal law calculation)

MATH_LoiStudent (
Probability evaluation with the Student law)
MATH_Moyennes (differents averages)
MATH_RegressionLineaire (curve of linear regression calculation)
MATH_Variance (variance calculation)


MATH_ArabeVersRomain (Convert 'arabic' numbers to roman numbers)
MATH_CentainesEnLettres (Convert a number < 1000 as literal)
MATH_Constantes (Install the Math4D constants inside the structure)
MATH_Conversion (Convert physical unities)

MATH_Hasard (random generator, with random of array option)

MATH_HasardGauss (Random numbers & arrays generator, following a gaussian distribution)

MATH_LongVersBinaire (Binary convertion on 32 bits )

MATH_NombreEnLettres (Convert a number as literal)

MATH_ObjetVersMatrice (convert a text or a 2D-array to a squared 2D-array)

MATH_RomainVersArabe (Convert roman numbers to 'arabic' numbers)

MATH_SerieVersTableau (convert a selection to useable array)
MATH_ROT13 (ROT13 text translation)

MATH_Unites (Toll box for physical unities)

MATH_Vigenere (Polyalphabetical encryption polyalphabétique of a string with a key

Screenshot of demo :

Authors, writers and collaborators for the version 2 are :


Writing a collection of mathematic's methods for 4d is an old dream. We finally realised
it, and we took a good time by doing it !
The result is around 30 methods in the first version (november 2002), covering a large
portion of mathematic's science.
But the project is still moving, going ahead with others methods, corrections, or others
concepts... We will always be there to keep on working, and we have created a mailinglist
to make our exchanges more easy.
You can subscribe using this adress :
And send messages to this one :
And, finaly, unsubscribe with this other one :
You can simply contact us at this adress :
The first version of MATH4D is a french work.

The names of all methods won't be changed, they're still in french, only because it's more
easy : most of us does not talk scientific english, and even less math english.
But all the algorythms are unchanged and dynamically translated by 4D.
And this file will help you to anderstand the meaning of each method.
We have done our best to translate terms and general concepts, but there might have
still some mistakes, please forgive us for this...
We hope our work will help you to surmount some obstacles in mathematics !
How to use it ?
MATH4D is a set of methods in a 4D 2003 exemple-application.
We have tried to always respect three rules : independence of each
method, quality of comments and error's treatment.

Each method is, as far as it was possible, really independent. Each of them do not use
any other method, rather than themself for recursiv ones.
Sometimes independence has not been possible, it has happened with statistics and
analysis, it's always noticed in the comments.

About those comments : we have taken a great care of writing a big text in front of each
- Name, author and date of the method, is first detailed
- Mathematic general idea is recalled
- And next the way to use the method and the details to observ
- The error's treatment
- And finally, sometimes some exemples

The error's treatment has been a great question : how might we treat it correctly ?
And at last, we've decided to choose the MATHERROR system, by using an unique
process variable as OK or ERROR are in 4D.
Each method uses MATHERROR, gives it a value that developper is free to treat.
Three cases are possibles :
MATHERROR is null (value zero) : no error.
MATHERROR is negativ : an error has occured, the result of the method is not useable,
parameters are unchanged. The value of MATHERROR precise the error's kind.
MATHERROR is positiv : the method's result is good, but one or more parameters have
been modified to make the algorythm more efficient.
So, a good analysis of the variable MATHERROR is possible, but you must know that
there is not any treatment of programmation's errors.
The treatment only concern mathematic's errors, we do not treat the errors of types of
parameters, number of parameters etc. The treatment only affects risk of divisions by
zero, parameters out of range, and all those kind of mistakes.
We have concentrate our work on the algorythms and on the comments.


Math4D is freeware. Math4D is provided "as is".  Use it at your own
risk, with no expectation of support, bug-fixes or updates.

The authors offer absolutely no warrantee whatsoever regarding their
reliability, fitness for any specific use, or its compatibility with
any other software, operating system or network.

Anyway, it is strongly prohibited to sell or rent the MATH4D'set
The only way to use it is to include it in your databases, with the comments and authors in the first lines.

(c) SOLO Développements for Math4D - 2006